Active Citizenship Education

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The competencies required for people to become involved in sustainable public engagement are closely related to universal key competences, but they distinguish themselves in one regard: Civic involvement is an idea based on normative aspects. It promotes those skills that allow people to become active, responsible citizens in a society that respects the rights and the involvement of its individuals and fundamental democratic values.

On a European level, the Council of Europe promotes the combined approach of "Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. more

More than a lot of other educational approaches citizenship education is an active approach, combining knowledge, attitude and active engagement.



Inspiring Handbooks and Resources

From the community library


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Handbook Cover-cookbook.jpg

H. Fahrun, E. Skowron,
N. Zimmermann

Initiative Cookbook

Homemade Engagement. An Introduction to Project Management.

MitOst Editionen 2015: Read