Data and Reports

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Evidence and Data about Democracy, Human Rights, Media...

Organizations, academics and public bodies collect data and analyze the state of democracy, civil society, Fundamental Rights, the Internet or any other social development. Their data and reports inform and help democracy and human rights education practitioners in manyfold ways.

Reports and Data for Citizenship and Human Rights Education

Find here: links to reporting in regards to democracy, rule of law/human rights, civil society, media/press, Internet, environment, human development.


Human Rights

Civil Society



Environment, Development


European Data

Browse listings for surveys, datasets, and visualizations on a breadth of topics:

We are constantly updating this collection. Please contact us for further proposals.

Please note: Different terms of use and copyrights are attached to the sources. Please inform first, to what extent you might share or re-publish them.

What to do with data?

  • Data and recommendations from the reports or public data platforms can be used directly in learning units within a workshop as sources of information.
  • Furthermore, they can also be considered as material that participants or organizations can work with further in their materials or texts.
  • Participants can also use them to create visualizations, such as maps or infographics.
  • In advocacy for democracy and human rights, the data these reports provide is increasingly important today.

Dealing with data and reports is a foundation for data literacy, which is in demand beyond the group of data specialists in today's data-driven society. The informed use and analysis of data provides insight into ongoing developments in society, e.g., how discourses develop in social media and which groups are gaining influence in public discourse. Population statistics, traffic or environmental data inform citizens about developments and problems in their community. Data provide also evidence about socio-political issues and justify or falsify assumptions, as such contributing to critical and systemic thinking. Initiatives, NGOs and educational institutions also use data for their own purposes. They help them to measure and present their impact in reports or to present their case in an evidence-based way.

Information and data literacy

DigComp: Information and Data Literacy


Information and data literacy is a core competence identified in the DigComp competence framework and in others. It includes:

Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content

  • To articulate information needs,
  • to search for data, information and content in digital environments,
  • to access them and to navigate between them.
  • To create and update personal search strategies.

Evaluating data, information and digital content

  • To analyse, compare and critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources of data, information and digital content.
  • To analyse, interpret and critically evaluate the data, information and digital content

Managing data, information and digital content

  • To organise, store and retrieve data, information, and content in digital environments.
  • To organise and process them in a structured environment

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Data and Reports

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This toolbox has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the implementing partner organisations and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.