Spot the Fake News

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Verify with the help of this flow diagram, if an article or information is fake.

Time 45 minutes

Materialselected articles, template of the questionnaire printed

Group Size max. 20 people

Keywords media literacy, fake news, information





Participants are able to verify information and articles and apply their criteria to fake news.


1. Start with a short reflection task:

  • What kind of media do you read/watch/use? Why?
  • Do you trust this media? Why?
  • How do you verify information?

2. Print or paint on the flipchart the mindmap “SPOT the Fake News”:


3. Divide participants into 4 small groups.

4. Each group receives 3-4 articles.

5. Participants read the articles in groups and discuss based on the mindmap “SPOT the fake News” whether the articles contain fake news.

6. Participants come back to the big group and discuss their results.


  • Was it hard to identify fake news?
  • What kind of problems did you face/encounter?
  • What kind of hints/insights will you take into your everyday life?

Created by:

Barbara Maderak-Krolik, Daniel Kiermut, Giorgi Iaganashvili, Maria Tymoshchuk, Tamta Shekiladze


The flow diagram might follow journalistic fact-checking/verification criteria, in example those used by factchecking or media organizations in your country.