Learning the Digital

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Our notions of digital competence must respond to the deep roots of digital transformation in our current society. We need a pedagogy of ‘the digital’ that does not focus solely on teaching technical skills, in order for citizens to be prepared for the societal debates about digitalisation, to be able to actively participate in them, and to develop their own informed attitudes toward the possibilities opened up by the digital transformation.

In particular, opportunities for learning democracy and strengthening social participation are needed to empower active citizens, to raise awareness among broader groups in the population, and to ensure that the digital transformation in Europe is people-centred and shaped along democratic rights and values and upholds human rights prinicples.

With this handbook for educators, we present training methodologies and examples of relevant practice and encourage digitalisation as a central topic in lifelong learning: Learning for digitalisation, learning about digitalisation and learning through digitalisation.

From Digital Learning to Learning 'the Digital'

The more digitalisation takes hold in all areas of life, the state and the economy, and the more datafication, AI and platforms determine our lives, the more questions come to the fore that go beyond the mere teaching of user skills. Citizens need to understand the impact of technology and have a say in the direction the digital transformation should take. As users (and co-producers of the Internet ecosystem with their data and contributions), they also need skills that cannot be taught through technical education alone (digital learning). Learning 'the Digital' means integrating the perspective of EDC into a pedagogy of digital transformation. This handbook makes a contribution to this.

From the Table of Content:

  • Learning the digital as a competence-based learning
  • Network(ed) cultures
  • Digital global dimension
  • Artificial Intelligence and algorithms
  • Activism and Participation
  • Communication
  • Digital Self

Links included in this handbook

All references and sources mentioned in the text sorted by chapters:

Chapter 1: Learning the digital

Chapter 2: Network cultures, network(ed) cultur(es)

Chapter 3: Global Digital Dimension

Chapter 4: Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms

Chapter 5: Activism and Participation

Chapter 6: Communication

Chapter 7: The Digital Self



Marco Oberosler


Works as expert for global competences at the International Cooperation Centre in Trento (Italy). Board member at DARE Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe 2019-2021 and co-editor of the handbook Learning the Digital.

Elisa Rapetti

Researcher in Sociology. PhD in Methodology of Social Research and Applied Sociology at University of Milano. Facilitator at Democracy and Human Right Education in Europe (DARE).

Nils-Eyk Zimmermann

Nils-Eyk Zimmermann

Editor of Competendo. He writes and works on the topics: active citizenship, civil society, digital transformation, non-formal and lifelong learning, capacity building. Coordinator of European projects, in example DIGIT-AL Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship, DARE network.

Blogs here: Blog: Civil Resilience.
Email: nils.zimmermann@dare-network.eu

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This toolbox has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the implementing partner organisations and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.