Group-related and Interpersonal Aspects

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Competence-centered learning is a social and collaborative process. It helps learners to navigate through social life, in particular, to participate and to overcome social challenges (together). It can best be learned in a horizontal way, facilitated by facilitators instead of instructors. This section includes theory aspects of the building bricks of such collaborative learning spaces, especially teamwork, group dynamics, communication, diversity and conflict management.


Teamwork and Group Dynamics

Personal cooperation is a valuable management tool and can be a learning opportunity for enhancing social skills. The more diverse groups are, the more they need to reflect and to apply cooperative ways of decision-making. These necessary reflections include a more detailed understanding of group processes and team roles.


Communication skills are extremely important in order for there to be an efficient common understanding and appreciation amongst partners in any group. This section introduces models that illustrate conditions for successful communication and offers methods for gaining communicative competency.


We believe that developing diversity consciousness and managing diversity in groups will increase the quality of participation and include people from different social backgrounds in the collective process. This includes aspects that work against structural discrimination and marginalization, as well as to foster those who have not yet developed the capacity to get involved.

Conflict Management

Good conflict resolution management influences the quality of collaboration and cooperation in the group in a positive way. With better conflict management we can improve the efficiency of communication and equip our participants with new skills.


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Competence-explorer.png Overview of different competence frameworks relevant to lifelong learning. Online

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