Learning to Learn

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Learning to learn is a necessary competence for self-directed learning and self-development, especially from a lifelong learning perspective. It is one of the transversal competences.

Personal and Learning to Learn Competence

In order to be able to take responsibility for oneself and for others and to be able to confront a new situation or challenge, people need self-confidence and motivation. A meta-cognitive ability helps them to check whether the path taken is (still) the right one, or to decide which of the many paths opening up should be taken. Hensge, Lorig and Schreiber (2006)[1] describe these aspects as the personal competence dimension (in distinction to the methodological, social and topical/professional dimensions). Other authors come to similar conclusions, some refer to the term self-competence, some to learning to learn, while accentuating differently.

Self-organised lifelong learning supports such development of personal abilities. Personal competence needs to be trained and cannot be taken for granted. Your seminar room is the perfect training field for this task, and personal competence should be addressed as a transversal competence – explicitly or implicitly by methodology addressing the self-learning ability, independent problem-solving or self-organization. Already the decision for a learning arrangement influences how much a process can later address autonomy and self-organisation.

Learning Arrangements


Externally Controlled

Learning Orientation

Focuses on the person learning

Focuses on the person teaching

What the person learning does

Learning by acting

Consuming learning person

Time and space restrictions for the person learning


Fixed times and learning places

Defining objectives and content

Freely determined by the person learning

Defined for the person learning

After Siebert (2006)[2]

In consequence, Adult Education educators have to find strategies how to align learning orientation, activities, time and spatial conditions and content. For instance to balance their desire for expected outcome and for control with the goal of strengthening learners' autonomy.

Encouraging self-directed Learning

  • Learners reflect on their learning styles, needs and preferences
  • They become familiar with planning approaches and skills: learning plans, assessment, checklist work...
  • Training an orientation toward opportunities and solutions
  • Practising goal-setting methods
  • Using learning diaries or portfolios for self-documentation
  • Using self-assessment tools
  • Training to deal with ambiguity and unexpected situations


LifeComp: Personal, Social, Learning-to-Learn Competence


LifeComp is the EU Commission's proposal how to understand learning to learn and self-organised lifelong learning as a key competence. Published in 2020, it describes learning to learn as a “positive attitude towards one’s personal, social, and physical wellbeing and learning throughout one’s life” (p. 12) and more concretely as the “ability to pursue and persist in learning, and to organise one’s learning” (p. 57). The LifeComp framework includes three dimensions:

Personal Dimension

This area is dealing with issues of self-regulation, gaining flexibility, and also physical and psychological well-being.

  • P1 Self-regulation - Awareness and management of emotions, thoughts and behaviour
  • P2 Flexibility - Ability to manage transitions and uncertainty, and to face challenges
  • P3 Wellbeing - Pursuit of life satisfaction, care of physical, mental and social health; and adoption of a sustainable lifestyle

Social Dimension

This area relates to the ability to be empathic towards others, to communicate, and to collaborate.

  • S1 Empathy - The understanding of another person’s emotions, experiences and values, and the provision of appropriate responses
  • S2 Communication - Use of relevant communication strategies, domain-specific codes and tools, depending on the context and content
  • S3 Collaboration - Engagement in group activity and teamwork acknowledging and respecting others

Learning-to-learn Dimension

Positive attitude towards continuously learning, critical thinking, and managing the own learning steps.

  • L1 Growth mindset - Belief in one’s and others’ potential to continuously learn and progress
  • L2 Critical thinking - Assessment of information and arguments to support reasoned conclusions and develop innovative solutions
  • L3 Managing learning - The planning, organising, monitoring and reviewing of one’s own learning

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Source: LifeComp[3] & Literature Review & Analysis of Frameworks[4]

Self-responsibility under digital conditions

Digital tools and platforms have built-in assumptions about moderation. Although in different ways and intensities, they give power to the moderator or represent an implicit idea of what collaboration should look like. For example, in some platforms it is not possible to give every user the role of administrator. It is not possible to leave a breakout room. Most try to limit side conversations. While in an analog setting a facilitator may notice that participants begin to lose attention as background noise increases, these and similar signals are often not present in digital spaces. While digital spaces represent a new opportunity, we must also remember that they present challenges to presenters. We mention this primarily because they are often not developed in a way that reinforces learners' sense of ownership.

Revision: September 2023

Nils-Eyk Zimmermann

Nils-Eyk Zimmermann

Editor of Competendo. He writes and works on the topics: active citizenship, civil society, digital transformation, non-formal and lifelong learning, capacity building. Coordinator of European projects, in example DIGIT-AL Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship, DARE network.

Blogs here: Blog: Civil Resilience.
Email: nils.zimmermann@dare-network.eu

Elke Heublein

Co-founder of Working Between Cultures. Co-author of Holistic learning. Facilitator since 2004, certified intercultural facilitator (Institute for Intercultural Communikation, LMU München) and trainer (IHK Akademie München/Westerham), adult education (Foundation University Hildesheim). Focus: Cooperation and leadership in heterogenouos teams, higher education, train-the-trainer.


  1. Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB): K. Hensge, B. Lorig, D. Schreiber: Kompetenzstandards in der Berufsausbildung; Abschlussbericht Forschungsprojekt 4.3.201 (JFP 2006)
  2. H. Siebert: Selbstgesteuertes Lernen und Lernbegleitung - Konstruktivistische Perspektiven; Augsburg 2006
  3. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Sala, A., Punie, Y., Garkov, V. (2020). LifeComp : the European Framework for personal, social and learning to learn key competence, Publications Office of the European Union. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/302967
  4. Caena, F., Developing a European Framework for the Personal, Social & Learning to Learn Key Competence (LifEComp). Literature Review & Analysis of Frameworks, Punie, Y. (ed), EUR 29855 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-11225-9, https://doi.org/10.2760/172528, JRC117987.

Handbook for Facilitators: Holistic Learning


E. Heublein (ed.), N. Zimmermann (ed.) (2017). Holistic learning. Planning experiential, inspirational and participatory learning processes. Competendo Handbook for Facilitators.


Handbook for Facilitators: Steps toward Action


M. Gawinek-Dagargulia (ed.), N. Zimmermann (ed.), E. Skowron (ed.) (2016). Steps toward action. Empowerment for self-responsible initiative. Help your learners to discover their vision and to turn it into concrete civic engagement. Competendo Handbook for Facilitators.



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