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<i class="fas fa-utensils"></i> Ready to use:
<i class="fas fa-utensils"></i> Ready to use:
<gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Explore" >
<gallery class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Explore" >
File:Lamapoll.png |'''LamaPoll'''<br>&nbsp;<br>Data-sensitive service, located in Germany, free fro up to 50 respondents<br>[https://www.lamapoll.de/ LamaPoll]
File:Tricider.png |'''Tricider'''<br>&nbsp;<br>Easy and fast decisionmaking tool without required registration processes for participants<br>[http://www.tricider.com/ Tricider]
File:Tricider.png |'''Tricider'''<br>&nbsp;<br>Easy and fast decisionmaking tool without required registration processes for participants<br>[http://www.tricider.com/ Tricider]
File:Mentimeter.png |'''Mentimeter'''<br>&nbsp;<br>Surveys in realtime during an event or meeting, or in advance<br>[https://www.mentimeter.com/ Mentimeter]  
File:Mentimeter.png |'''Mentimeter'''<br>&nbsp;<br>Surveys in realtime during an event or meeting, or in advance<br>[https://www.mentimeter.com/ Mentimeter]  

Revision as of 09:42, 23 April 2021

Today, it is impossible to imagine our educational practice without digital tools and platforms. They help us to organize, facilitate the implementation during learning processes and open up new possibilities for learning. We have compiled here some that we consider particularly useful, also from the point of view of reliability and sensitivity to rights. Some very propular apps and tools will not be found in this list for this reason.

The Challenge to Decide

What tools and apps we use says a lot about us. Democratic civic education in particular is called upon to make conscious choices based on critical thinking not only in its content but also in its tools, inspired by the ability to hack to find creative solutions that were not envisaged or to share and value the creations provided by others so that we can use them freely. At Competendo we are convinced that Open Software, Open Educational Resources and applications that do not inappropriately and unconsentedly commercialize user data are better than others. This makes educational processes sometimes more complicated, but fairer and perhaps more creative. That is why solutions developed in this spirit can be found here in particular.

Creating texts and documents together

Ready to use:

Install on your server:

Organizing a Community or Community Events

Ready to use:

Web-based Project Management

Ready to use:

Cloud Collaboration

Ready to use:

Install on your server:

Surveys and Decisionmaking

Ready to use:

Install on your server:

Messenging and Video Conferences

Ready to use:

Install on your server:

Privacy Protection

Competency Assessment, Description & Validation

Ready to use:

Books & Online Sources

Competendo App


EU Sources Epale.png

A multilingual open membership community for teachers, trainers, researchers, academics, policy makers and anyone else with a professional role in adult learning across Europe. to EPALE

Erasmus+ Project Results

The Erasmus+ platfom for dissemination and exploitation of project results. Here you can find more information to our project: Erasmus+

salto Toolbox

to the Toolbox

Methods and handbooks of the youth empowerment community in Europe to salto Toolbox

Download: Banner




This toolbox has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the implementing partner organisations and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.