Local planning

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A consciously selected and shaped place and local environment of our empowerment activity might motivate participants and become a source of inspiration. Teachers shape their classrooms together with their class in an individual way. Facilitators in a workshop do this or include the space outside the room. Local planning means to reflect the participants, the goals, the needs for facilitation and the environment and shaping the best possible local conditions for achieving the goals. An inspection prior to the seminar is recommended in order to check if the conditions are proper for the seminar work. Grounding on our experience we selected some aspects that our facilitators found relevant:

Seminar House

The venue fits to the subject of the seminar

The seminar building could be suited for the participants, as well those with specific needs

Lodgings could be easy-to-reach

Easy accessible for participants

Large premises (both inside and outside) could be available,

Communication technology, Wifi, printing opportunities and a copying machine could be in place.

Venues for events

Regarding the venue there are different requirements for concerts, performances or festivals. The following aspects may serve as a guideline.

  • Does the event take place inside or outside? If outside: What happens in case of bad weather?
  • How do the rooms look like? By all means inspect the venue beforehand; optimally prepare a plan.
  • How many/which rooms will be used?
  • Where can the stage be constructed? Where will the audience be located?
  • Where and how will food and drinks be made available? How can they be delivered?
  • Where can information material be put on display? Is there a coat check and is it sufficiently big? How is the checkout situation arranged? (admission, consumption,…)
  • How can the venue be reached (by foot, car, public transportation, by suppliers)?
  • Have the guests been given directions?
  • Are further parking spaces / storage rooms necessary?


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