Time Management Styles

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Created By N. Zimmermann

Do I tend to work on many things at the same time? Do I need a schedule to plan when to work on one or the other? Do I naturally tend to be punctual or flexible? For what things do I allot plenty of time? Lothar Seiwert makes the argument that there are universal tools for time management. He combines various tools and a personality model to find “your own type of time management behavior. [1]
and offensive

Task Oriented



Relation Oriented



and defensive

Therefore the combination of knowledge about the personalities in your team and how a person executes specific tasks preferentially, helps you to understand how you already collaborate in a team or how you could do it. Task plans and schedules can be applied on a basis of such an analysis.


  1. L. Seibert: Wenn Du es eilig hast, gehe langsam. Das neue Zeitmanagement in einer beschleunigten Welt; 2000 Frankfurt; p. 204