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The facilitators’ job is not only to provide learning opportunities for the students, but also to create a space for reflection on the process and evaluation of the results. The evaluation of the seminar or course can be done using various methods ranging from sociometrics to a written questionnaire. Evaluation is supposed to target the learning goals which have been defined by the facilitator prior to the beginning of the seminar/course.



Evaluation aims at measuring the effectiveness and the impact of the educational program we have offered. It should also help to identify the strengths and shortcomings of the program for the purpose of further development. In this section of Competendo you will find lists, methods, and specific tools for the evaluation of courses, seminars or sessions.

Validation and Identification of Learning Outcome

Identification and validation of the learning outcome takes into account all knowledge, skills and competences acquired by the participants throughout the training, seminar or course.

Documentation in Trainings

The reporting of a well-documented seminar is as easy as pie. Once you have all of the learning goals, topics, and methods in place - reporting will consist of incorporating the facilitators’ and participants' observations, feedback, and recommendations into the existing document. Tip: if you include more relevant details and insights into the training documentation, it will be easier for you to share your experiences with new facilitators in the future.