Method Template

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Introduction asdfgh


Time 1-3 hours (dependening on the intensity)

Material room, paper and pens for creating the map, maybe photos

Group Size 15-35 people

Created By Jana Teynor

Keywords empower,group, empowering, thinking, critical thinking

category: Empowerment


The pupils become aware of the global dimension of their personal items and things. Their networked and cross-linked thinking is strengthened as well as their competence in critical thinking.


  1. All pupils create a map of their own school.
  2. They add every place of their school that they associate somehow with globalisation.
  3. The pupils look after eye-catching symbols or icons for the different things. Their own schoolbag, clothes, lunchbox, computer room, smartphone, the materials the school is built with and so on.


  1. questions, goal, proposal for procedure


if there are some


Caveats, how you used the method

Reference Ingrid Schwarz, Südwind NÖ SÜD

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