Checklist: My learning goals

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Revision as of 23:35, 10 January 2019 by Nils.zimmermann (talk | contribs) (Also interesting:)
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Before leading a group through a learning process,facilittaors can create a list of learning objectives and set a scale next to each skill or ability they would like to improve upon during their moderation.


Learning space(s):

With whom, through what kind of action:


For example it could be:

  • Improve my ability to impart knowledge about design ...
  • Increase awareness of others in the facilitator's team...
  • Improve my ability to gauge group moods and dynamics...


In the seminar

At home...


  • Seminar group
  • Facilitator colleagues
  • External persons
  • Sources



Nils-Eyk Zimmermann, Elke Heublein (Ed.): Holistic Learning - Planning experiential, inspirational and partcipatory learning processes; Facilitator handbook #2; Competendo - Tools for Facilitators