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Linking Citizenship and Employability Perspectives in Adult Learning. On this page you find the resources created in the project LICEAL:


Transversal Education: Participation, Life, Career Path

Practice-oriented introduction for non-formal educators (2024)


This guide helps educators to address cross-cutting competences that are important in different educational and professional contexts and in different areas of learning. In particular, the guide aims to emphasise the potential of skills acquired in active citizenship, democracy and rights education and civic engagement for professional development. Chapter 1 explains the idea and general approach of competence-centred education. Chapter 2 considers the particularities of non-formal learning processes and learning understood as a process. Chapter 3 provides an introduction to reflecting on and dealing with social diversity - an aspect that is becoming a cross-cutting issue in pluralistic societies. At the end, we briefly present some pedagogical approaches that play an important role in this transversal competence-orientated education and empowerment.

Authors: Nils-Eyk Zimmermann (editor), Georg Pirker, Elisa Rapetti Publisher: DARE – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe vzw., Brussels 2024 Cooperation partner: Competendo — Digital Learning Toolbox

  • Download: EN - all languages available in February 2025

Training Design Step-by-step

A practice-oriented tool (2024)


This tool supports educators in designing competence-oriented learning processes – with a focus on transversal competences that are relevant in many areas of life and social roles. Supplement to the guidelines for educators: Empowering Adults: Life, Career Path, and Active Citizen. Created in the project LICEAL Linking Citizenship and Employability Perspectives in Adult Learning.

Author: Nils-Eyk Zimmermann Publisher: DARE – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe vzw., Brussels 2024 Cooperation partner: Competendo - Digital Learning Toolbox

Competence Explorer

Competence Explorer

The ex­plorer com­pares the relevant European competence frame­works that address trans­versal compe­tences. It gives educators a rough insight into the different frameworks. One can use it to check which competences would be particularly relevant for one's own work, or to check which competences one would like to work on further oneself or with the learners. Furthermore, the explorer informs you how the individual frameworks look at certain transversal competences (competences that are important in many activities and contexts).

Learner Toolkit

Tools for Learners in employment-related and citizenship-related learning in transformation situations. Publisher: Comitato Promotore S-NODI Gabriele Nigro (IT), Torino, 2024. Languages: EN, FR, DE, IT, TR.

Educator’s Guide to Policies


Quick overview for educators on important policies of social cohesion, employment, civic education and adult education (2025).

Publisher: DARE – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe vzw., Brussels 2024

Created by

LICEAL: Linking Citizenship and Employability Perspectives in Adult Learning. Coordinated by Association EDIAS – France Rhône-Alpes Saint-Martin d’Heres (2022-25).


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project partners