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After learning about the ideas and concepts connected with participatory, competency-centered learning, these approaches, ideas or theories need to be put into practice. In the facilitators' mindsets, in a plan of the learning process, and in an organizational concept.


What is the Difference between Planning and Organizing?

There is a set of principles that facilitators and teachers employ in the process of designing the theoretical and practical framework of their lessons and/or seminars. As fundamental democratic values such as respect, transparency, accountability or solidarity these are strongly connected with the facilitators' mindset. Preparation is in this sense a self-reflection according to this mindset for facilitators. Other principles are connected with learning design: In example the idea of competency-centered and experiential learning or participatory process design. This is what we call planning. While organizing is describing the logistical and technical aspects of preparation.  


Check Out Our Handbooks


The handbooks for facilitators contain the best of Competendo. Download and read them here: more

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