
From Competendo - Digital Toolbox
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Teaser...Understanding the bigger picture. This toolbox has the aim to unleash civil initiative with competency based learning approaches. What do we mean by this? We think, that learning and education can much more contribute to a better world than they do. It's not about such outcome like easier to make the grade or longer to ke ep things in mind. Yes, that's important, but for what?

How would it be if all that contribute to lifelong learning would feel as part of a bigger collaboration? Forget the limitations of your institution, school or organisation and let us focus on the essential things. Let's share,

  • how we may unleash the creativity of everybody
  • let's learn how we share and collaborate
  • how people become empowered to act as agent of change
  • how we may contribute to deeper understanding of other people and how we may understand the complexity of our world better

It doesn't matter if you are in a school, youth worker, facilitator or somewhere else helping other people to gain competencies. The more diverse our experiences are, the more we are able to see the whole picture of learning and facilitating. In this sense the toolbox invites you to share and to use inspirations and experiences for building collaboratively such a better world of training and learning.

Modern Understanding of Learning

Lifelong learning. Complex world, knowledge society. It's not enough to learn, must apply knowledge. Schools are changing. Non formal education outside schools steps ahead. This toolbox is dedicated to help you in finding answers on these challenges and rethink education collaboratively. Experiential learning Competencies Learner in the focus Motivation Holistic learning that combines everyday life, school, activities outside the formal education

Fehlt formal und non.formal education

The Goal: Increasing Quality of Participation

Democratic image of people, want help them to develop, experience their dignity and potential. The term discredited. But the goal is autonomy self responsibility using competencies to overtake responsibility for others and through action making our world a better place. Empowerment Self responsible Civil initiative Basic values in comm
