First Steps

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For the successful beginning of a learning process we suggest to keep three standard building blocks in mind. Some need assessment is suggested, then an activity on personalities, expectations, and expertise. Before starting with more in-depth work, the common principles of cooperation need to be clarified together or made transparent by the facilitator.


At the beginning of a seminar start with the needs of participants, institutions and facilitators. Our opportunity is to make the seminar tailored to the participants' and stakeholders' needs and to agree about the common learning experience.

Establishing Good Working Conditions

Another basic issue is to shape the ground for good collaboration. A space for deep and holistic learning requires trust, transparency and the cooperation of all people involved. This includes the basic rules or working principles, with a collective negotiation of these rules, and as well learning the names through "name games".

Personalities, Beliefs, and Expertise of Your Participants

Here we want to show some methods, how you can get to know the already existing knowledge within the group you work with, their preferred learning styles, their learning goals. It is as well the place where facilitators present their goals and offer a space for re-arrangement or negotiation.