Competendo Community

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Education for Active and Democratic Citizenship is a collaborative task of civil society organizations, institutions of formal education such as schools or universities, or of responsible citizens within their fields of everyday life. COMPETENDO invites those as experts and partners who share these ideas. We want to make good practice in Democratic Citizenship Education accessible and inspire teachers and facilitators. We link to resources and changemakers. Without sharing there is no innovation. With sharing these actors in the field of Democratic Citizenship Education build evidence and gain impact collectively.

Implementing Organizations


MitOst promotes cultural exchange and active citizenship in Europe and its neighbouring regions. With 1.400 members in 40 different countries as well as with various partners we are part of a dynamic European network. We organise international programmes and projects and serve as a platform for new forms of social engagement and projects. The annual International MitOst Festival brings our network together.

Ideas Factory

The Ideas Factory is a grass roots association exploring the potential of creativity and innovation to catalyze positive systems social change. We actively explore how the quality of human relations could be enhanced by designing of gamified approaches to solve burning social challenges. Our main focus is "Incubating changemakers" trough activating societal ressources approaches to economical empowerment and build up the skills in society to develop social entrepreneurship thinking, mainstreaming civic participation and civic education and the inclusion of marginalized groups.


Südwind Entwicklungspolitik NÖ works in the field of developmend education. Our aim is to make global interconnections visible and understandable for schools and other institutions of education and for the wider public in our region, in Austria and in Europe. We develop trainings and workshops for various global topics such as Fair Trade, Climate Change and Human Rights.


We want to inspire, connect, and empower the inhabitants of Ursus for getting to know each other and for waking up - and not only that. Our organization's aim is to support the civic involvement and the idea of active citizenship among all age groups and on different levels - locally in Ursus and Warsaw, countrywide in Poland and international but without disconnecting with the local identity.

Working Between Cultures

Working Between Cultures supports people in dealing with cultural diversity. The team offers training, coaching and consulting as tools for diversity-oriented human resource development. Stereotypes and discrimination are discussed and ways for constructive cooperation are developed.

Community Partners

Do you want to become a part of it?

We are looking forward to invite your organization or institution as well in our network. How you wish to involve depends on you.

  • Already by showing your logo and expertise you contribute to the COMPETENDO community.
  • By presenting your good practice you enrich our content and help to inspire facilitators from all over Europe, that not necessarily work in your specific field of operations
  • By co-editing you help to improve and to develop COMPETENDO



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This toolbox has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the implementing partner organisations and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.