Active Citizenship Education

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The competencies required for people to become involved in sustainable public involvement are closely related to universal key competences, but they distinct in one point: Civic involvement is an idea based on normative aspects. It promotes those skills that allow people to become active, responsible citizens in a society that respects the rights and the involvement of its individuals and fundamental democratic values.

Code of Conduct

A seminar is an island and we imagine ourselves to be stranded on this island. Now we have to find our own rules.

Democracy Scrabble

Students brainstorm in a scrabble style on their associations regarding a key word like "democracy". The method is used for getting ideas into an order, to make different attitudes visible and to become clearer about different aspects of a topic.

Democracy Circle

An introducing method for a discussion under the question: "What does democracy mean for me personally, what is my relation, am I critical or convinced from it?"

American Debate

The method addresses the communicative skills and helps to reflect opposite points of view in a discussion. Therefore two groups discuss the opposite opinions regarding a topic. This may be a general relevant topic or a current hot topic in your society.