Active Citizenship Education

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The competencies required for people to become involved in sustainable public involvement are closely related to universal key competences, but they distinct in one point: Civic involvement is an idea based on normative aspects. It promotes those skills that allow people to become active, responsible citizens in a society that respects the rights and the involvement of its individuals and fundamental democratic values.

On an European level, the Council of Europe is promoting the combined approach of "Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. more

Code of Conduct

A seminar is an island and we imagine ourselves to be stranded on this island. Now we have to find our own rules.

Democracy Scrabble

Students brainstorm in a scrabble style on their associations regarding a key word like "democracy". The method is used for getting ideas into an order, to make different attitudes visible and to become clearer about different aspects of a topic.

Human Rights Quiz

Introduce the Human Rights in an insightful and playful way in groups of all ages.

Democracy Circle

An introducing method for a discussion under the question: "What does democracy mean for me personally, what is my relation, am I critical or convinced from it?"

American Debate

The method addresses the communicative skills and helps to reflect opposite points of view in a discussion. Therefore two groups discuss the opposite opinions regarding a topic. This may be a general relevant topic or a current hot topic in your society.

The meaning of a nation

National backgrounds seem to gain more and more political relevance in politics and maybe also identities? This method tries to reflect on this process and also question it.

Who Can Change Things?

Participants reflect, how the main sectors within the society interact. The method gives an idea, to what extent the impact of a social initiative may depend from cooperation across sectoral borders.

Task: Start with "Why"

Help your participants to describe their initiative starting with the impact (instead of the image or the activities).

Map your neighborhood

Let your participants take a look at their neighborhood. They may draw, sketch, or paint a map and put in all relevant information.

Checklist: Crucial Questions

The first step into a civil initiative. In form of checklist work participants begin to answer questions regarding their personal perspective on civil involvement.

Checklist: Why do I get involved?

A checklist for you and your team for finding out more about each one's motivation

My motivation(s)

Explore the diversity of motivations in yourself, in your participants, or in a team. Help to belance different or opposite motivations.

Ways to deal with internal criticism

Criticism is the brother or sister of enthusiasm. However, sometimes it's becoming too destructive. Five ways to turn criticism in a constructive inner dialogue.

Project Impact on Community

The activity aims at evaluating the outcomes that the projects have had on the community as well as to enabling the participants to evaluate these outcomes from different perspectives.