A week with Wanda

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“A week with Wanda” is a web-based, open-source game by Joe Hall featuring a virtual assistant called Wanda. The app follows mobile and social media communication of the participants and aims to raise awareness of some of the risks and possibilities of AI. During one week, participants individually conduct a process, where “Wanda”, a virtual assistant, supports them in their personal aims, such as optimising relations, earning money, etc.


  • Explore AI concept and functionality through playful learning



Wanda is a playful, interactive and open source example to experience how AI works in social media/communication. It can be used in any longer lasting educational setting, and enables various debriefings of experiences. After finishing the week, the participant gets an info mail from the programmer giving feedback on further leading questions. The feedback provides information about the different scenarios the participants individually went through.

A week with Wanda can be integrated into longer lasting educational processes that deal with the topic of AI, datafication, and social media. It can be conducted as an individually assigned task:

During the process the facilitator has the opportunity to engage the participants in individual and small group reflections. The activity can be conducted in digital learning processes as well as in analogue learning settings as an accompanying task.


Individual: Any new insights on your online behaviour? What was your emotional reaction to interactions with Wanda?

Social: Did you get useful recommendations? Do you know real examples similar to what Wanda described?

Societal: Do you value the proposals offered by Wanda? How would you assess them through the lens of EDC/HRE?


Georg Pirker

Person responsible for international relations at the Association of German Educational Organizations (AdB), president of DARE network.

One week course

A one week course would be ideal in order to integrate the game meaningfully into reflection sessions, since it is built on an AI-participants interaction, which develops individually over a period of six days.

Time 6 days, 15-20 min/day

Material smartphone or computer

Group Size 3-30 people

Keywords tracing, interaction with AI, basic human rights dimensions questioned by AI




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