Task: Start with "Why"

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The way that we talk about our initiatives or projects is another way to be inspirational and motivational without being explicit. When people talk about their work, they usually start by answering the question, “What do I do?” and “How am I different from others?” More important ist to get to the core question, “Why am I doing this?”

Time 45 minutes/hours

Material paper and pens

Group Size 1-30 people

Created By es Keywords impact, project description, motivation


Handbook #1
Steps toward action

M. Gawinek-Dagargulia, E. Skowron, N. Zimmermann

First handbook of our Handbooks for Facilitators: Read more


The aim is to change the narrative of an activity, orientating the participants on the intended outcome and impact.


Introduce the following steps one after another. Your participants are asked to answer the first question first on one paper. Then the second and the third follow chronologically on one paper each.


1. Start by answering the question:


  • What's your purpose?
  • What's your cause?
  • What are your beliefs?
  • Why does your organization exist?
  • Why do you get out of bed in the morning?
  • And why should others care?

("To make a profit" is not an answer here. Money is an outcome of something you stand behind.)

2. Then answer the question:


  • How does your initiative/project correspond with your beliefs?
  • How do your deeds mirror your values?
  • How does your idea/ organization differ from others?

3. Finish by answering the question:


  • What is your concrete idea?
  • What is your project/initiative?
  • What is your “final product”?


Notice as well: Start with "Why"


This task has the advantage of reaching out to other people in a very understandable and efficient way. We start with our beliefs and feelings, which are strongly responsible for empathy and behavior. Then we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do. What we do serves as the proof of what we believe.