Guidance through the Process

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It may seem you have spent a lot of time doing other things before working on the “real content,” but all those steps are necessary elements that enable you and your participants to create a good learning experience. While working on the content it is important to provide the participants with a lot of different learning opportunities and use a mixed style of methods.

Every participant learns in a different way and we have to give everybody the possibility to learn as much as possible. At the same time it is very important to stay authentic as a facilitator. If you do not feel comfortable with a method, then it’s better not use it. Working on content in a holistic way means not only addressing different learning preferences but also creating learning experiences that are close to real life. The following approaches and methods support you in such a kind of learner centered learning process management.

Moderation & Presentation

Moderation means to shape a common learning or discussion process. A moderator offers methods and guides the process. Typical questions for moderating are: How to give participants enough space, while ensuring that the goal of the unit is fulfilled? How to prevent stigmatization of minorities? What to do that collective decisions are seen as fair by any participant? How to deal with conflicting needs in a group and how to help to negotiate them?

Phases of a moderation

Here you find a clear structure for the different phases in your moderation.

Moderation of Decisions

Introduction of some methods to moderate decisionmaking processes in a group.

Decision cake

With this method you can determine in a group which subjects you want to deal with and which project goal is for you crucial. Or you can identify the most important aspects of further planning in the team. You can also gather what you like in the subject, which organizational or regarding the contents aspects of the project were most interesting.

Targeted feedback

With this method many different aspects can be quickly evaluated within a group in a transparent way.

Visual Facilitation


(Re)discover your natural ability to communicate and express yourself in a more visual way. Explore the potential of visual language and use it for a more comprehensive moderation of learning and group processes.

Bar Graphs

This method aims at letting the participants conduct a small-scale survey among each other, having a vivid visual representation of the survey outcome and facilitating a discussion around the survey outcome.

Collection of ideas and problems

Two walls function as saving and inspiring places for inspiration, information and findings within a seminar. A wall of ideas and a wall of problems


Discussions make different perspectives on a topic visible. They are a useful tool for learning to defend the personal points of view as well as to react on different opinions. As well they help to shape the skills for critical evaluation and for interpersonal communication.

10 Golden Rules for Moderators

A brief overview what to have in mind while moderating

Checklist: Preparation of a Moderation

A brief tool for planning a moderation

Diversity Awareness During Moderation

How to prevent stigmatization? What to do that collective decisions are seen as fair by any participant? How to deal with conflicting needs in a group?

American Debate

The method addresses the communicative skills and helps to reflect opposite points of view in a discussion. Therefore two groups discuss the opposite opinions regarding a topic. This may be a general relevant topic or a current hot topic in your society.

Pecha Kucha

Present your ideas precise and creative with a projector. Pecha Kucha connects both goals within 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Collegial Inspiration

A person describes a problem he or she wants to solve, and his or her colleagues inspire him or her with their associations and advice. A very interactive and dynamic activity.

Constructive Questions

Constructive questions are a tool for guiding a learner or a group toward self-explored solutions and options in a coaching style. In this section we introduce types of questions focusing on solution-finding by activating the ressources/capacities of learners and focusing on their ability to develop and assess opportunities.


A summary helps participants in a discussion, a training or a meeting to follow the thread. Especially in discussions a moderator needs to calm down the passions, or to help the audience and involved disputants to find the common main question again.


How to make useful presentation for various audiences

Ideas that match

The more possibilities for development you consider, the more likely it is for your idea to loose clarity. This method introduces the need for focus and for concentrating on a few aspects. We use wooden matchsticks.

Chocolate (Grand Candy) Mountain Chain

This method helps the facilitator make the agenda presentation more interesting for the participants.

Visual Facilitation

(Re)discover your natural ability to communicate and express yourself in a more visual way. Explore the potential of visual language and use it for a more comprehensive moderation of learning and group processes

Energizers & Cooling Downs

Energizers and cooling downs have the function to help learners to refocus their attention, to involve into the learning process (again), or to embedd theirselves (again) in the group. These tasks contribute to a methodological balance and variation.

Big group methods

It is an interesting scenario to work with a large number of participants. To also make it fruitful you find here some methods for facilitating processes with big groups.


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Check Out Our Handbooks


The handbooks for facilitators contain the best of Competendo. Download and read them here: more