Self-reflection flower

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Participants create a self-assessment of a workshop with petals which represent the single days of a meeting. Together they form a self-reflection flower.


  • Participants summarize their learning processes and evaluate their competencies.
  • They connect evaluation with a prospective perspective on their future involvement and self-development.



Each participant gets as many petals as there are days to evaluate. In the middle of the flower the name or a symbol of the person is written.


The petals stand for each seminar/training day and represent together the experience which each learner gained through the whole event. The task is to think of the learnings.

  • Regarding content,
  • Regarding individual competence/self-experience,
  • From social learning/group collaboration.
  • Consider the whole spectre of competences: knowledge, skills, attitudes.

Individual work:

For each day, the participants answer the question as briefly as possible on a petal:

  • What do I take away from the day? What did I learn from the day?


  • Learners might keep this as a documentation for their own.
  • Or a second part might follow, collating the assessments of learners and showing evidence, what the most relevant learning aspects in a group were (semi-anonymously, in example by Targeted feedback or similar methods).

Variation: Flower wall

Afterwards, the flowers can be stuck on the wall (on flower stems) to create a colourful meadow that represents what the participants have learned in the past week.

Variation: small groups

The flowers can be discussed in small groups or in plenary.

The form of the evaluation must be agreed with the group beforehand, as it can also involve very intimate expressions.