max. 3 answers |
I want to feel needed and helpful |
In my opinion working with others is a worthwhile endeavor |
I receive sympathy and respect from people |
It gives me the possibility to be in a group and make new contacts |
I cannot remain indifferent towards social issues and problems |
I do not agree with social inequality and people’s suffering |
I enjoy social engagement |
I think everybody needs to be useful in life |
I think we ought to help others |
I want to contribute to changing the world for the better |
I can gain new competencies and experience in my profession and personal life |
It lets me spend my free time in an interesting way |
It allows me to do what I am passionate about or interested in |
My voluntary service will be useful to myself and to my family |
It helps me to solve my own problems |
If I help others now, later on others will help me |
I cannot say “no” |
My friends and family are doing it |
Other: ......... |
Have team members fill out the checklist. Compare your answers. These questions might help you to draw conclusions for a fruitful future collaboration:
- Where did it take longer to decide?
- What was easy to identify?
- Where do you see similarities?
- Where are there different motivations?
- M. Gawinek-Dagargulia, E. Skowron, N. Zimmermann (Ed.): Steps toward Action; Empowerment for self-responsible initiative; Help your learners to discover their vision and to turn it into concrete civic engagement; Facilitator Handbook #1; MitOst Editions 2016